380V 150A emi filter for emc test
EMI stands for electromagnetic interference and is an electronic emission that interferes with components, RF systems, and most electronic devices. If a device is improperly shielded from EMI, it will not work. EMI can be the result of man made or natural occurrences. In order to protect electronic devices and components from electromagnetic radiation, all electronics must be shielded. EMI shielding is used to ensure that electronics remain fully operational and run without interference. If a component is vulnerable to interference it will not work.
Product Name |
Three Phase EMI Filter |
Model |
PE3300-8-06 |
Rated Voltage |
250/440/480VAC |
Rated Current |
5A~1200A |
Operating Frequency |
50/60Hz |
Temperature range |
HPF 25/085/21 |
Test Voltage(1 min) |
Line to Ground :1450VAC |
Line to Line :2700VDC
General purpose,three phase three line filters,space-saving design |
Rated current from 5A to 200A |
Excellent interference suppression performance for CM and DM |
High quality components ensure the safety and reliability of filter |
Chassis mounting with various connection: fast on/screw/wire terminal |
Custom design acceptable
Typical Application
General purpose three phase filtering |
Three-phase motor drives |
Inverters and converters |
UPS and SMPS |
Industrial automation equipment |
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