Most electronics contains an EMI filter, either as a separate device, or embedded in circuit boards. Its function is to reduce high frequency electronic noise that may cause interference with other devices. Regulatory standards exist in most countries that limit the amount of noise that can emitted.
Performance Data |
Voltage Drop: Less than 1V |
Overload: 140% of rated current for 15 minutes |
Harmonic Distortion: Less than 2% @ full rated current |
Leakage Current:≤0.2A@380/230VAC and 50Hz |
Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 1000VDC (line to line) 1000VDC (line to case) |
DC Insulation Resistance: As Per MIL-STD-202 Method 202 |
Terminal Strength: As Per MIL-STD-202 Method 211 |
Temperature Rise: As Per MIL-F-15733 |
Shielding effective: |
10KHz≥60dB |
1MHz~20MHz≥100dB |
20MHz~18GHz≥100dB |
18GHz~40GHz≥80dB |
Climatic Classification: 25/070/21 |
A power line filter, also called EMI power line filter, is a passive bi-directional network, electrical equipment which effectively filters the particular frequency point in the power line or the frequency out of the particular frequency point. Line filters are designed for electromagnetic interference (EMI) in the mains, and it is a frequency-selective two-port network usually composed of inductors, capacitors, resistors. Actually it is a kind of filters and can also be called reflection filter according the working principle. It provides high series impedance and low parallel impedance in the filter stop band, severely mismatching noise source and its impedance with load impedance, thus transmitting the undesired frequency components back to the noise source.
When selecting the power line filter, three main indicators should be considered: first is voltage and current, the following is insertion loss, and finally it is size and structure. Since the filter inside is typically potted, environment is not a main concern. However, the temperature characteristics of all potting materials and filter capacitors have some influence on the environmental characteristics of the power filter.